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Our Brand



Brand Concept: Realising A Better Life

"Realising A Better Life" has always been the motto and mission of Yuexiu Property. Yuexiu Property strives to build a quality lifestyle not only for its shareholders, customers and employees, but also for the community as a whole and the generations to come.

Brand Vision: Setting a good example in China's high-end urban property development and operations

Brand Core Values: Quality, Integrity and Excellence

Brand Value Proposition: Total Quality Control, Comprehensive Service Scope, Fully Dynamic Operation

ü Total quality control: implement stringent quality control in every process to deliver "visible" premier quality and "invisible" quality assurance for each family

ü Comprehensive service scope: add value to your residence and create a worry-free experience for you through proactive management, seamless service and personalized experience

ü Fully dynamic operation: realize the full potential of core urban areas, as underpinned by proven expertise and experience in a full range of business segments from urban renewal, landmark construction, and business district development