The Group has established an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) framework directly led by the Board and imposed supervision on ESG level by level, forming a whole process from decision-making, communication to implementation.


The Group attaches great importance to the sustainability governance framework and establishes the Environmental, Social and Governance Committee of the Board (“ESG Committee”), which is chaired by the Chairman of the Board and with one Executive Directors and four Independent Non-executive Directors as members.

  • Board of Directors

        and instructions

    Reporting of progress in
    fulfilling ESG strategies

  • ESG Committee

       Supervise the
       ESG management

    Reporting the progress in
    achieving ESG targets

  • ESG Leadership Group

      Leading and promoting
      ESG works

    Reporting the progress in
    performing ESG

  • ESG Execution Group
  • Board of Directors
    Executive Director
    Non-Executive Director
    Independent Non-Executive Director
    • Dominate the discussions of ESG risks, opportunities and information disclosures
    • Supervise overall progress of ESG works
    • Take responsible for ESG management system and information disclosures
  • ESG Committee
    Chairman: Chairman of the Board
    Members: One Executive Director and Four Independent Non-executive Directors
    • Develop ESG development direction and strategy
    • Assess ESG-related risks and opportunities
    • Develop ESG targets and regularly review the performance
    • Supervise the management of ESG
    • Approve, confirm and publish ESG report
  • ESG Leadership Group
    Group Leader: General Manager
    Members: The Management Team of the Company
    • Coordinate and arrange the ESG mechanism and work mechanism
    • Take charge of overall implementation of ESG strategies and targets
    • Identify ESG related risks
    • Supervise the implementation of ESG works
    • Review the effectiveness of ESG works and report to the Board
  • ESG Executive Group
    Group Leader: Director of ESG Management Office
    Members: Heads of various related departments, heads of various regional companies, and heads of various supporting companies
    • Implement specific ESG work tasks
    • Collect, sort and submit information
    • Give timely feedback on the work situation

Under the guidance of the Board, the Group carries out ESG management through a cyclical management process of P-D-C-A (Plan-Do-Check-Act), which operates in cycles to continuously and consistently enhance and improve the Group’s ESG performance, and continuously increase the transparency of the Group’s ESG information.