Executive Directors
Mr Lin Zhaoyuan

was appointed as Chairman of the Company in August 2018. Mr Lin has been an executive director of the Company since November 2015. He had been Vice Chairman and General Manager of the Company. He is also a director, vice chairman and general manager of Guangzhou Yue Xiu Holdings Limited (“Guangzhou Yue Xiu”), the ultimate holding company of the Company, and Yue Xiu Enterprises (Holdings) Limited (“YXE”), and chairman of the board of Guangzhou City Construction & Development Co. Ltd. (“GCCD”), chairman and a non-executive director of Yuexiu Financial Holdings Limited (“YFHL”) and a non-executive director of Chong Hing Bank Limited (“Chong Hing Bank”). Mr Lin holds a Bachelor’s degree of economics and a master of business administration degree of Sun Yat-sen University and the qualification of mechanical engineer. He had been chairman of the board of Guangzhou Paper Group Limited (“Guangzhou Paper Group”), an assistant to general manager and a deputy general manager of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE, and chairman and a non-executive director of Yuexiu REIT Asset Management Limited (the manager of Yuexiu Real Estate Investment Trust (Stock Code: 405), which is listed on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“Stock Exchange”)). Mr Lin has extensive experience in corporate management, sound and efficient management, cost control and corporate restructuring and development and is forwardlooking and innovative in corporate operations and management.

Mr Zhu Huisong

was appointed as an executive director and the co-general manager of the Company in April 2023. He has over 10 years of senior management experience in business operations of the Group. From January 2008 to October 2009, Mr Zhu served in GCCD and held the last position as the supervisor of the general office. From October 2009 to September 2011, he served successively as the vice department head and the department head of the general department of Guangzhou Yuexiu City Construction International Finance Centre Co., Ltd.* (廣州越秀城建國際金融中心有限公司). From October 2011 to November 2012, he served as a senior manager of the general office of GCCD. From November 2012 to November 2018, he served in a number of regional companies of the Group in Shandong and held the last position as the general manager. From November 2018 to April 2020, he acted successively as the general manager of the regional companies of the Group in North China and East China. From April 2020 to March 2023, he acted as the chairman of the regional companies of the Group in North China. Mr Zhu has acted as (i) the chairman of the regional companies of the Group in East China; and (ii) a director and the co-general manager of GCCD since April 2020 and April 2023, respectively. Since April 2024, he has been the chairman and non-executive director of Yuexiu Services Group Limited (Stock Code: 6626), which is listed on the Stock Exchange. As an executive director and the co-general manager of the Company, Mr Zhu is responsible for overseeing the overall management, formulation and implementation of business strategies of the Group. Mr Zhu obtained a higher education certificate in financial accounting from Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology* (廣東石油化工高等專科學校) in the PRC in July 1996. He further obtained a bachelor’s degree in administrative management through correspondence learning from Guangdong Polytechnic Normal College* (廣東技術師範學院) (currently known as Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University* (廣東技術師範大學)) in the PRC in January 2008. Mr Zhu completed a postgraduate course in professional business management from the postgraduate school of Ocean University of China (中國海洋大學) in 2021. Since November 2003, Mr Zhu has been a qualified intermediate economist specialising in commercial economy. Mr Zhu has also qualified as a senior economist specialising in construction and real estate economics in 2023.

Mr He Yuping

was appointed as an executive director of the Company in April 2023. He has over 15 years of senior management experience in business development, legal compliance and risk management in the group of Guangzhou Yue Xiu. From January 2003 to August 2003, Mr He served in GCCD and held the last position as the senior supervisor of the enterprise management department. From August 2003 to April 2004, he served as a deputy general manager of the enterprise management (investment) department of Guangzhou Yue Xiu. From April 2004 to November 2008, he practised as a lawyer in Guangdong Eastern Kunlun Law Firm* (廣東東方昆侖律師事務所). From July 2014 and January 2018 to August 2020, he acted as the general manager of the development department of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE, respectively. Since November 2008 and January 2018, Mr He served as the general manager of the legal compliance and risk management department of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE, respectively. From July 2015 and February 2017, he has acted as the company secretary of the board of directors and the chief legal adviser of Guangzhou Yue Xiu, respectively. Since October 2022, Mr He has acted as the chief compliance officer of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE. Over the years, Mr He has taken up senior management roles in the group of Guangzhou Yue Xiu, including directorships in a number of subsidiaries of Guangzhou Yue Xiu, responsible for overseeing the strategic planning and overall operations and management. Since May 2018, he has been a director of Guangzhou Yuexiu Capital Holdings Group Co., Ltd.* (廣州越秀資本控股集團股份有限公司) (formerly known as Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (廣州越秀金融控股集團股份有限公司) (“GZYCHL”), an associate (as defined under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange (the “Listing Rules”)) of Guangzhou Yue Xiu, the shares of which are listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 000987.SZ). As an executive director of the Company, Mr He is responsible for overseeing the overall management, formulation and implementation of business strategies of the Group. Mr He obtained a bachelor’s degree in laws and a master’s degree in laws both majoring in economic law from The Southwest University of Political Science & Law* (西南政法大學) in the PRC in July 1995 and July 1998, respectively. He further obtained a master of business administration programme from China Europe International Business School in October 2013.

Ms Chen Jing

was appointed as executive director of the Company in July 2017. Ms Chen is the chief financial officer of the Company. She is also the chief financial officer of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE, a director of GCCD, a non-executive director of YFHL and Chong Hing Bank and an executive director of Yuexiu Transport Infrastructure Limited (“Yuexiu Transport”) (Stock Code: 1052), which is listed on the Stock Exchange, and a director of Guangzhou Yuexiu Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Food Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Yuexiu Dairy Group Co., Ltd.* (“Yuexiu Dairy”) (廣州越秀乳業集團有限公司). She is also a director of each of Bosworth International Limited, Greenwood Pacific Limited, Morrison Pacific Limited, Superb Master Ltd. and Goldstock International Limited, all being wholly-owned subsidiaries of YXE holding shares of the Company. Ms Chen graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University in audit studies, and holds a master of business administration degree of the School of Management and Economics of the Beijing Institute of Technology and the qualification of auditor and certified internal auditor. Ms Chen joined Guangzhou Yue Xiu in July 2004 and was the deputy general manager of the supervisory (audit) office, the general manager of the audit department and the chairman of the board of directors of Yue Xiu Securities Holdings Limited and general manager of the finance department of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE. Ms Chen has participated in establishing systems to monitor the major risks and finance of Guangzhou Yue Xiu. Ms Chen is well versed in risk and internal control management, financial management of listed companies and has extensive experience in establishing a sound system for risk management and internal control, financial management for enterprises. Prior to joining Guangzhou Yue Xiu, Ms Chen worked in school of business of the Hubei University and Hisense Kelon Electrical Holdings Company Limited.

Ms Liu Yan

was appointed as executive director of the Company in August 2018. Ms Liu is the chief operating officer and chief human resources officer of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE. She is also a director of GCCD, Guangzhou Paper Group, Yuexiu Dairy, and Liaoning Yuexiu Huishan Holdings Co., Ltd.* (遼寧越秀輝山控股股份有限公司), and the vice chairman of Guangzhou Yuexiu Shared Services Co., Ltd.* (廣州越秀共享服務有限公司). Ms Liu is also the chairman and an executive director of Yuexiu Transport (Stock Code: 1052), which is listed on the Stock Exchange. Ms Liu graduated from Nankai University with a Master’s degree in law and an Executive Master of business administration degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She obtained the qualification of Intermediate Economics (Human Resources Management). Ms Liu joined Guangzhou Yue Xiu in July 2002 and was a director of GZYCHL, Guangzhou Yuexiu Capital Holdings Company Limited, Guangzhou Yuexiu Financial Leasing Co., Limited and Shanghai Yuexiu Finance Leasing Co., Limited, the director of human resources of Guangzhou Yue Xiu and YXE. She has led the implementation of several major projects for Guangzhou Yue Xiu on operation management, lean management, establishment of systems and regimes, as well as changes in human resources. She has extensive work experience in operation management, organisational management and human resources management, etc. in large business enterprises.

Non-Executive Director
Mr Zhang Yibing

was appointed as non-executive director of the Company in March 2022. Mr Zhang is currently the deputy general manager of Guangzhou Metro Group Co., Ltd.* (廣州地鐵集團有限公司). Mr Zhang holds a postgraduate qualification in Economics (Economic Management) of the Graduate School of the Party School of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Mr Zhang has held various positions, including the deputy director of the Social Development Department of Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the director of the Personnel Department of Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the director of the Urban Development Department of Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission (also the director of the Municipal Metro Capital Office), the director of the Rail Transportation Department of Guangzhou Municipal Development and Reform Commission (also the director of the Municipal Metro Capital Office), and the deputy general manager and director of Guangzhou Railways Investment Construction Group Co., Ltd.* (廣州鐵路投資建設集團有限公司). Mr Zhang has excellent communication, co-ordination and business development capabilities as well as expertise in administration and capital management. He also has extensive experience in business management. Mr Zhang is involved in the management of metro property business, with a focus on land resumption, project development and commercial property operation, and has strong overall co-ordination capability in real estate project development and management.

Independent Non-Executive Directors
Mr Yu Lup Fat Joseph

has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since 1992. He is also an independent non-executive director of YFHL and Chong Hing Bank. Mr Yu holds a master’s degree in applied finance from Macquarie University in Australia and a diploma of management studies from the University of Hong Kong. Mr Yu has over 40 years of experience in investment, banking and finance.

Mr Lee Ka Lun

has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since 2000. He is also an independent non-executive director of YFHL and Chong Hing Bank. He is an accountant by profession. Mr Lee is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in the United Kingdom and has over 20 years of experience in banking and auditing. He is an independent non-executive director of Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited (Stock Code: 116) and Ever Harvest Group Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 1549). The shares of the companies mentioned above are listed on the Stock Exchange. He served as an independent non-executive director of Medicskin Holdings Limited (stock Code: 8307) and Best Mart 360 Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 2360) until 15 November 2022 and 28 September 2023 respectively.

Mr Lau Hon Chuen
(GBS, JP, alias Ambrose Lau)

has been an independent non-executive director of the Company since 2004. He obtained a bachelor of laws degree from the University of London and is a Solicitor of the High Court of Hong Kong, a China-Appointed Attesting Officer and a Notary Public. Mr Lau is the Senior Partner of Messrs. Chu & Lau, Solicitors & Notaries. Mr Lau is currently an independent non-executive director of Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited (Stock Code: 393), Yuexiu Transport (Stock Code: 1052) and Joy City Property Limited (Stock Code: 207). The shares of the companies mentioned above are listed on the Stock Exchange. He is also a Director of Bank of China Group Insurance Company Limited, BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited, Nanyang Commercial Bank, Limited, OCBC Wing Hang Bank Limited, Sun Hon Investment & Finance Limited, Wydoff Limited, Wytex Limited, Trillions Profit Nominees & Secretarial Services Limited, Helicoin Limited, Wyman Investments Limited and Cinda Financial Holdings Co., Limited. Mr Lau served as the Chairman of the Central and Western District Board between 1988 and 1994, the President of the Law Society of Hong Kong in 1992-1993, a Member of the Bilingual Laws Advisory Committee between 1988 and 1997 and a Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong from 1995 to 2004 (between 1997 and 1998 he was a member of the Provisional Legislative Council). He served as a Standing Committee Member of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

Mr Cheung Kin Sang

was appointed as an independent non-executive director of the Company in April 2023. He has over 40 years of corporate and commercial banking experience with diversified industry, product and institutional exposure. From July 2009 to December 2022, Mr Cheung worked with DBS Bank Ltd, Hong Kong Branch and DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited (collectively, “DBS”) where he served as the managing director and the head of institutional banking group in Hong Kong from June 2011 until his retirement in December 2022. He was also the alternate chief executive of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited from December 2012 to December 2022. He had worked in DBS for over 13 years, during which he was responsible for growing DBS’s franchise in the corporate and commercial banking businesses in Hong Kong. Prior to joining DBS, he was the regional general manager of North East Asia and the general manager of Hong Kong Branch of OCBC Bank. Prior to such appointments, he held senior positions in corporate commercial banking and risk management with major international banks including Citibank, ABN-AMRO and Rabobank. Mr Cheung obtained a bachelor of social sciences degree from The University of Hong Kong in November 1981. Currently, Mr Cheung is the chairman of the Board of Governors of World Green Organisation, a member of The Hong Kong Academy of Finance, and a member of the Advisory Committee on Accounting and Finance of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He was a member of the Advisory Board and the Investment Committee to Hong Kong Export Credit Insurance Corporation from January 2011 to December 2016 and a member of Industry Training Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Qualifications Framework for the banking industry until December 2023. Mr Cheung is an independent non-executive director of K. Wah International Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 173) and Dah Sing Banking Group Limited (Stock Code: 2356). The shares of the companies mentioned above are listed on the Stock Exchange. Mr Cheung is also an independent non-executive director of Dah Sing Bank, Limited, a subsidiary of Dah Sing Banking Group Limited.